The NumbeR One Social MedIa TIP!

We've all been there - scrolling through our feeds, bombarded with tips promising to "revolutionise" our social media game. Hashtag strategies, mind-blowing content calendars, next gen analytics tools...the list goes on.

Look, I'm all for getting strategic and analytical when it comes to social. But let's be honest, most of those "top tips" are the marketing equivalent of hot air. Overcomplicated fluff that misses the single most critical ingredient for social success.

What's the big secret, you ask? Brace yourself, because this one's a real stunner:

Actually. Post. Something. 🤯

Woah! I know, I know, mind blown right? Who would've thought that the key to thriving on platforms built for creating/sharing content is...well...creating and sharing content?!

Yet so many businesses constantly fall victim to the "too busy" trap, letting their social channels gather digital tumbleweeds for weeks/months at a time. They spend endless cycles strategising, sweating analytics, designing the "perfect" post and crafting elaborate posting schedules.

But without consistently fueling the content engine, all those high-level tactics are about as useful as a burger joint without a grill. You simply can't drive connection, brand awareness, sales...any sort of traction...without showing up first!

The good news? All you have to do is do something...anything...

· Decide on 1-2 platforms that make sense for your brand/audience
· Set a target you can realistically stick to (daily/weekly/whatever!)
· Show up and post something...ANYTHING (even a basic photo + caption)

That's it! Rinse and repeat that simple process, and the consistency alone will already put you miles ahead of the unholy number of brands sleepwalking on social right now.

From there, you can absolutely go deeper, but if you can't do the basics, the rest is useless.

And hey, if you really don't have the time or struggle with content, you can always get me to do it instead :)